Thursday, 9 June 2016

Dealing with Stress...

Hi everyone!

Recently, I have been under a lot of pressure and stress from exams and revision, I'm sure you all can relate to this! I have been getting very overwhelmed and anxious which has caused me to have meltdowns/small anxiety attacks. They are not very nice and can make you feel very emotionally drained for the rest of the day. This is quite a common issue, especially amongst young people, but I feel not many people are willing too talk about it. Some people also feel that it is 'cool' or 'trendy' to get these anxiety attacks, let me tell you that when I am crying, shaking and unable to breathe, I certainly don't feel 'trendy'! I wanted to make this post to help other people who may be suffering with the same or similar things, I want to talk about some of the things that I do to help calm me down. Hopefully these things might help you too. 

1. Get out of the situation

Lots of different environments can trigger anxiety attacks or make you feel panicked. For some people it can be situations they feel uncomfortable in, such as large crowds. For others it can be things they are doing, such as revision, or how much they have got going on in their mind. I know I may be Captain Obvious with this tip, but a lot of people don't realise how important it is to get out of the situation that is making you anxious. This can be quite difficult depending on where you are, but it is so important to go somewhere quieter to breathe.

2. Get a drink

When you get overwhelmed or start to panic, it is important to cool yourself down by getting a drink. Drink it slowly until your heart rate slows down to its normal pace, I cannot stress to you enough how much this helps when you feel overwhelmed.

3. Listen to music

This may not help for everyone, but when I feel nervous or overwhelmed I like to listen to music. This not only makes me feel slightly better, but it distracts me from my current thought processes. You can also combine this tip with getting a drink as it will really help calm your nerves. I also do this when I feel like I am about to panic, I can usually tell when I am feeling overwhelmed and sometimes I know when I am about to get an anxiety attack. Therefore I help prevent it or prolong the meltdown by listening to music and stopping what I am doing. 

4. Take a break

After you have had an anxiety attack, take a break from what you are doing, don't immediately force yourself back into the situation as it can make you feel worse. Do something that makes you happy, whether that be doing some exercise or watching youtube videos. Make sure to sort out your emotions before carrying on.

5. Know your limits

Just because sometimes you feel nervous or anxious, don't let that stop you from doing something that you want to do. It is important to step out of your comfort zone every now and then. However, don't be afraid to turn something down if you don't feel comfortable or ready. Sometimes other people don't understand why you feel anxious in situations as they don't feel the same, but be honest with them and they should understand.

I really hope this helps.

Ellie xxx

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