Sunday 8 February 2015

3 lip balms I have been loving...

3 lip balms I have been loving…

During the winter months, your lips are more likely to get dry and chapped. Using lip balms on a regular basis can help prevent this, here are a few of my favourites.


I really like these lips balms due to how soft they are and how soft they make your lips feel. They are really smooth, easy to apply and work well for a long time without the need for constant reapplication. The shape of them makes them really unique. They come in a variety of flavours, I have; mint, summer fruit and clementine. They all smell so nice! I got mine in America but you can buy them in certain Topshop stores or you can order them online from eBay or amazon.

Baby Lips

These are the first lip balms I fully fell in love with, I have got almost all of them. What I like most about baby lips is the huge variety they come in, they have different collections which do different things. I really like Baby Lips Dr Rescue as they are really good for chapped lips in the winter and some of them also leave some colour on your lips too. These lips balms are not too expensive so are worth buying.


I have never been too keen on Vaseline lips balms because you have to put the Vaseline on your finger to be able to apply it, leaving you with a slightly greasy finger. However, I had never fully tried them until this Christmas. I have the original Vaseline, the Rosy Lips and aloe vera. They all have different scents and the rosy lip one also leaves you lips slightly pink. They are super moisturising and can also be used on dry skin too.

Thanks for reading!

Ellie x


  1. Love this post Xx
    ♥ Amazing lay out
